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Rana Begum

Andrew Bick

Guy Bigland

Edith Dekyndt

AK Dolven

Adam Gillam

Daniel Robert Hunziker

Maria Lalic

Jonathan Parsons

Katie Pratt

John Wood & Paul Harrison

Neil Zakiewicz

Exhibition conceived and co-curated by:

Andrew Bick, Jonathan Parsons and Katie Pratt

Titled after the English translation of Michel Foucault’s 1966 book Les Mots et les Choses, this exhibition reflects on the inherent humanity in how artists conceptualise and structure their creativity. Each exhibited artist considers how we order, systematize and encounter the world. Their various practices respond to the international development of non-representational art and its social role; the constant, essential exchanges negotiated between ‘words’ and ‘things’. Thirteen international contemporary artists are included, all of whom attempt to express lived experience in rapidly changing circumstances. Although their approaches vary considerably in technique, medium and aesthetic, they all examine our codes, systems and relationships.

Organised in partnership with Practice As Research at The University of Gloucestershire

The Order of Things

28 January - 5 March 2017

Exhibition installation views:

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